How Do You Create An Assignment In PowerPoint?


Assignments are one of the vital aspects in the grading of a student. And if a student wants to get the desired marks. Then he must focus on his sessional grading.  And one of the most important and most common things that the teacher gives for the assessment is assignments. And they assign things that are required to be created in several kinds of formats and structures. As there are many types of it. An assignment could be just writing an essay. Or it could be a dissertation or thesis. Which takes weeks or months to complete. And another type of this is presentations. Which are generally made on PowerPoint. So, in this post, we talk about this in detail. That is how to create an assignment in PowerPoint.

Creating an Assignment in Powerpoint:

If you are a student, then you might know how to use Powerpoint. So, I am assuming that you know how to use it. And that is why I am just giving you some tips on how to make it better.

1) Don’t add excessive words:

Making the presentation means that you have to present a topic with explanations. And for that, you can have many elements like transitions, Icons, Logos, Tables, Charts, Graphs, etc. And adding a lot of words shows that you don’t have information that shows the authenticity of the topic. Or you are not able to give information that is credible. And creates trust among the viewers of it. And when the teacher will see a presentation in which there is only text. So, he will definitely give you lower marks than you expected.

Using PowerPoint means that you have access to a lot of things. A lot of elements like you can display the content in a different form. So, your content might not look dull and bogus. As well as reducing the number of words. And to explain it via other things will show proficiency and understanding of your concepts.

2) Make It Simple:

The less you use the words in the template the simple it would be. And that is one of the very significant reasons why some students get good marks. While others don’t in the assignments. And making it simple means that it will be easier for the readers and for the teachers to interact with it. And to assess the content inside the slides. So, making it complex by adding extra words, irrelevant information. Or anything like that by thinking that more is good, will not work in your favor.

3) The significance of Visualization:

The human brain performs better and remembers information better with visuals. So, you should use the perfect visuals that would be perfect according to the topic. And the main reason for creating the assignment in PowerPoint is to engage the viewer and to make him understand the concept. As well as to show the teacher about the topic. And give them a positive view of the topic. So, he can easily understand what you are trying to explain and convey in the assignment. And if the teacher gets it well then you will definitely be awarded with flying grades.

Visualization plays a much-needed role because writing plain text looks boring and less interactive.  While the visuals according to the text work best. As the viewer can easily understand the concept by looking at the visuals of it.

4) Graphs and Charts:

Some topics in which the students have to show a lot of data. Then writing it in the paragraph will not look mesmerizing at all. And for that reason, the student should use graphs and charts to make the information more convenient to understand and more visually captivating. These graphs and charts would not just give the perfect overview of the stats. But also it shows that you did good research on the topic. And adding this would be a perfect step toward getting good grades on your assignment. And you can also take assignment help services to get the perfect chart and graphs for your task.

5) Adding Videos and Music:

Like I said above that adding interactive elements to your assignment will give it a perfect look. And other things than images would be videos and music. These two are the elements that work tremendously in any presentation or assignment. As they gain more attention than the texts. And if you use the animation videos then the possibility of standing out of your assignment would be very high. As people watch and give attention to those presentations in which these kinds of elements are used. And as per the stats, more than 40% of the audience wants to see more videos from a business while explaining their products or services.

6)Basic but Important Things:

While creating an assignment there are some basic but important things that you should keep in mind.  The first is to understand the requirements of the teacher fully. Like what kind of content the teacher wants from you. Secondly, you should use the template that is as per the topic. Like if your discussion topic is Oranges then an Orange color theme would be perfect.

Highlight the words that are important for the readers to read and give attention to them. Use alternatives of bullet points, and change the position of showing the information to make it look more interactive. And lastly, use fonts that are easy to see and give them the perfect space.


Creating an assignment in PowerPoint should cover all the essential aspects that are required to get better marks. If you are creating an assignment in PowerPoint and want to get good marks. Then you should use less text, make it simple, and add images in the slides for making it more interesting.  Use graphs and charts to show stats and figures. Also, put more videos and music to get the attention of the viewer and teacher.  Lastly, focus on the little details like font, color, and space, to make it more professional.

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